Each time you upload information on a web hosting server, it requires an amount of storage space on the hdd dependent on its size. In the event that you operate a script-driven website which saves its info in a database, it will need more disk space, the more people work with it. For instance, in the event that you have a message board, the greater number of responses people write, the larger the database gets. Messages, in particular ones using attachments, also require some disk space in the website hosting account. The disk space quota you will get with your cloud hosting provider is the amount of data you can have at any given moment, which consists of web site files, email messages and databases. Similarly, a computer has a hard disk and the software programs installed on it along with all documents and music files that you generate or download require disk space, which cannot surpass the total capacity of the hard disk.

Disk Space in Cloud Hosting

All our cloud hosting packages were created with the idea that lack of hard disk space shouldn't be something that should limit the growth of your web sites. For this reason we have applied a technique which is distinct from the one that most website hosting companies take - instead of just making a number of accounts on one server and subsequently running out of storage space, we employ a cloud hosting platform in which the storage space is taken care of by a wide collection of servers. That's why, we can always attach more machines in case they're necessary and / or more hard disks, so as to offer you more disk space for all the files of our valued clients. Individual clusters take care of the email messages as well as your databases, which means that not only will you be able to increase the size of your websites without worrying about hard disk space, but also all of the servers will operate faster and better as every service features its own space for storing and an individual server doesn't handle different kinds of files.