The service uptime is often dismissed by a lot of people as they are looking for a new cloud hosting provider, but it can often be substantially more significant in comparison with the actual plan attributes. It will not matter how good a plan is if the web sites hosted in the account are inaccessible for long periods of time. This type of downtimes are often penalized by search engines like google, not mentioning the fact that visitors will most likely not return to a website they experience difficulties with. Because of this, it is important to look into the stability of the web hosting service before you get a new account so as to be confident that the prosperity of your websites will not depend on third-party factors, but entirely on their content and on your advertising and marketing campaigns.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Cloud Hosting

Our cloud hosting packages feature a 99.9% service uptime guarantee. We can easily reach that goal by using a groundbreaking cloud hosting platform where every service (files, e-mails, databases, and so on.) has its own group of machines. We don't run everything on one web server as most companies do, so we have virtually wiped out the downtime of any service and even in peak times we can balance the load between machines for the very best achievable performance of your internet websites. If one server fails, the other ones inside the cluster will take over in order to guarantee the uninterrupted functioning of the Internet sites. To prevent infrastructural difficulties, our web server facilities use powerful diesel backup generators as well as several independent Internet providers as to make certain that website visitors will be able to reach your internet sites no matter what. We also have a crew of qualified admins overseeing the servers 24/7/365.