A sitemap is a visual or text map of a website - a short list of all web pages arranged in sections as they appear on the website. The sitemap is a single file and its presence may have a crucial influence on the popularity of your site, particularly when you have a lot of content. It will make it possible for your site visitors to search the webpages and find what they need faster, that will increase the chance for them to revisit the Internet site or to show it to friends and colleagues. The sitemap is also required for search engines like google to index your site content better, which means that certain pages will show up in the results for certain searches, which may not happen without having a sitemap even if you have the desired site content. This is especially valid if you update some web pages as the sitemap informs the search engines that they need to crawl the website again to index the latest content. Having a sitemap these days is a necessity rather than an optional feature for every thriving site.

SiteMap Generator in Cloud Hosting

If you host your sites in a cloud hosting account from our firm, you will have a very time and effort saving sitemap generator readily available. The tool can be accessed through the Hepsia Control Panel and it'll allow you to choose any one of your domains or subdomains, so the sitemap file will be made in the site directory where you need it. The simple user interface will allow you to select the overall number of links which have to be indexed and how deep the indexing should go. As a more advanced function, you could also choose the file extensions which should be included inside the sitemap - you could use the default ones which include all most popular extensions a website uses like php, html, etc, but if your website contains more diverse content, you will be able to enter or delete an extension before you make the sitemap for a selected Internet site.