Varnish in Cloud Hosting
You can make use of Varnish’s potential and improve your sites’ load speed irrespective of the cloud hosting plan that you have selected and you can activate and configure the platform with a few clicks of the mouse using the simple-to-work-with interface offered by our advanced Hepsia Control Panel. During the procedure, you will be able to choose two separate things – how many websites will use the Varnish caching platform, i.e. the number of instances, and how much data will be cached, in other words – the amount of memory. The latter is available in increments of 32 megabytes and is not tied to the number of instances, so you can use more instances with less memory and the other way around. In case you’ve got plenty of content on a specific Internet site and you draw lots of visitors, more memory will guarantee you better results. You may also consider employing a dedicated IP address for the Internet sites that will use the Varnish platform. The Hepsia Control Panel will offer you simple one-click controls for discontinuing or restarting any instance, for clearing the cache for any website and for viewing in-depth logs.